Possibly the worse place you can think of is to have Vitiligo is on the face. Not so with Vitilox Cover Cream. Vitilox Cover Cream is the best Vitiligo Facial Treatment you can get.

The high pigmentation in the Vitilox Cover Cream make this the ideal solution to covering the white patches on your skin. Our Cover cream was added to our range of Vitilox products, not to heal, but to bring relief from stress for people suffering from Vitiligo. Vitiligo Treatment added the Cover Cream to give you back your confidence while the other products in our range heal the skin.

Customers can use the Cover Cream not just on the face but to cover any part of your body. It can give you back your confidence and the boost you need to fight the condition.

Outer Treatment for Facial Vitiligo

The Vitilox Cover Cream comes in a kit which includes setting powder and a brush. The trick is in applying the Cream and Setting Powder in layers until you achieve the perfect colour to blend in with your natural skin tone. Using the setting tone ensures you have a smudge free 24-hour coverage. While the customer will find it simple to apply it is imperative that the instructions on how to apply the cover cream are followed. The cream gives your skin a flawless finish. No one will even be aware of the white patches beneath.

The best moisturizer to use under the Cover Cream is the Vitilox Pigmentation Cream. Vitilox Pigmentation Cream will heal your skin from within while you look beautiful on the outside.


Vitiligo Cover Cream Kit



So now that we have dealt with your outer appearance and confidence issues we need to heal the skin. At night once you have removed the Cover Cream with make up remover apply Vitilox Pigmentation Cream (the same cream you use in the morning as your moisturizer) to clean skin. Most of the healing will take place at night so for that reason it is very important to maintain your routine.

Inner Vitiligo Treatment

You will also need to take a vitamin while using the Pigmentation Cream.

It is essential to treat the body internally while the skin is healing. Research has shown that Vitiligo patients are missing essential vitamins namely Vitamin B and folic acid.

Vitilox Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid has been specially formulated for people with Vitiligo. In most case this will be the best supplement to stop the spread of Vitiligo. It will also give your skin cell the nutrients needed for the healing process. In some cases where the Vitiligo has been visible longer and is wider spread the Vitilox T-Cell-V’s are needed. The Vitilox T-Cell-V has added metallic elements which the body needs. Vitilox PMF is recommended in cases where Vitiligo may be in the genes, in other words, been handed down through the generations .

Vitilox Cream and T-Cell-V tablets

Our trained consultants will help you with the correct product and colour choice for your Vitiligo facial treatment. For advice fill out the free Vitiligo Assessment on this link: Vitiligo Assessment:

Finally, be sure to keep in contact with Vitiligo Treatment via the website, Facebook, YouTube or Twitter for all the support and articles on Vitiligo you will need to cope.


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Published by Vitiligo Treatment